
Fostering Creativity

If we are looking to develop creativity in our children, what behaviors should we nurture? In Your Child's Growing Mind (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2004) Jane Healy lists characteristics of creative people:
  • Intense absorption in activities
  • Seeing patterns and relationships
  • Combining things or ideas in new ways
  • Challenging assumptions because of a reasoned-out difference of opinion
  • Coming to a decision independently and taking action based on it
  • The ability to shift from one idea to another
  • Having a strong intuition — "seeing" the answer to a problem
  • The ability to take a risk
  • Asking "what if " questions and making insightful observations
  • The tendency to create and test hypotheses
  • Tolerating ambiguity while exploring alternatives
  • Finding enjoyment in thinking and working alone

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