
Be a Green Kid!

Every day, people make choices that affect the amount of trash and pollution that gets produced in our world. What can you do? A whole lot, actually. Here's a four-step guide to being green:

1. Reduce It!
  • Turn off lights you're not using.
  • Turn off the water when you're brushing your teeth.
  • When you can, walk or ride your bike instead of driving in the car. You'll use less gas — and get some exercise.
  • Unplug the chargers for your phone and MP3 player when you're not using them.
  • Put your computer to "sleep" instead of leaving it on with the screen saver running.

2. Reuse it!
Sometimes people call ours a "throwaway society." That means that we're a little too willing to throw away old stuff and buy new stuff. Many times, even if you no longer need something, someone else just might.

Here are some additional ways to reuse the stuff you have:
  • Use rechargeable batteries for your handheld computer games, MP3 players, cell phones, and digital cameras.
  • Choose reusable travel cups instead of disposable paper or plastic cups.
  • Take your own bags — preferably reusable ones — when you go to the grocery store.
  • Drink tap water instead of buying bottled water.
  • Organize a swap among your friends. Books, toys, even clothes. It's a way for everyone to get something new without spending any money and without throwing a bunch of stuff away.
  • Take paper from your computer printouts and use the other side for more computer printing or just to draw or doodle on
3. Recycle It!
Recycling has never been easier. Many communities will pick it up right in front of your house and some towns even require it.

4. Enjoy It!
It's true that trash and pollution are problems, but the Earth remains a huge and glorious place that's ready for you to explore. You can start locally by visiting the naturally beautiful spots in your city and state. Go for a hike, visit local nature centers and gardens, climb up mountains, and explore lazy creeks.


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