
Why Drinking Water is the Way to Go!

Water is so important for our bodies!

  • Your blood needs water in order to carry oxygen to all the cells in your body.
  • Water helps fight off illnesses
  • Your skin needs water to stay smooth and healthy
  • Your brain needs water to function properly
  • You body needs water to regulate its temperature (i.e. sweating)
How much water should I drink?

There is no magic amount of water that kids need to drink every day. Usually, kids like to drink something with meals and should definitely drink when they are thirsty. But when it's warm out or you're exercising, you'll need more. Be sure to drink some extra water while playing sports or exercising.

When you drink is also important. If you're going to sports practice, a game, or just working out or playing hard, drink water before, during, and after playing. Don't forget your water bottle. You can't play your best when you're thinking about how thirsty you are!

You can help your body by drinking when you're thirsty and drinking extra water when it's warm out. Your body will be able to do all of its wonderful, waterful jobs and you'll feel great!

Source: www.kidshealth.org

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